Get a better signal out of your handheld radio

We’ve all done it. Standing on our tippy toes. The dance, slowly swiveling around, alternating holding our arms up in the air and hands close to our ears. I’m talking about the weird contortions we do until we get the best signal out of our handheld radio. HTs bring...

Scanning local Fire and EMS services

I love listening to the scanner. In fact, it was a scanning around in the late 1990’s that led me to find the amateur radio frequencies and my eventual getting my ham radio license. But I certainly haven’t let go of my scanner roots, I’ll often have...

2014 Wisconsin ARES/RACES Conference Recap

Every year in mid October, Wisconsin ARES/RACES, the state’s amateur radio emergency communications group holds its annual conference. While open to anyone with an interest in Emergency Communications, the conference gives ARES leadership an opportunity to...

Mounting ideas for VHF/UHF Antennas

Getting your antenna in the air can sometimes be challenging. Not all of us have unlimited real estate and 120 foot towers at our disposal to hang any radiator on that we please. We all have to work within the confines of our situation, meaning limited space, property...

Essential Net Control Forms

Nobody told me that being net control operator would involve so much paperwork. With a constant barrage of radio traffic and seemingly endless bits and pieces of information to keep track of, how do we keep our nets running efficiently without letting any of that...