VHF/UHF Antennas for Amateur Radio‚ Public Safety‚ Business‚ Scanning‚ and Broadcast
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2nd Annual Wisconsin Ham Radio Campout
Parks on the Air and camping is a great combination and if you love both of those activities, I invite you to attend the 2nd annual Wisconsin POTA campout on October 4-6, 2024 at the Brunet Island State Park (POTA K-1442) in Cornell, WI.
Is bigger better? The Big Kansas Coil Vertical Antenna System
The Big Kansas Coil is a lightweight, portable, and durable base loaded vertical antenna system that when paired with a telescoping whip operates on the 6 through 80 meter ham radio bands. This coil offers some innovative features, including: 3D printed construction...
Ham Radio Fishing Pole Antenna: Catching Contacts on the Wolf River!
I meet up with Chris, N9CVR, of The Ham Radio Experience. He shows off his fishing pole vertical antenna and we use it to catch some contacts along the Wolf River at the Mukwa State Wildlife Area, (POTA US-4314). https://youtu.be/2AwpGZmUDuA Check out The Ham Radio...
DIY 6 Meter Moxon Antenna: Boost Your Summer VHF Fun!
The 6 meter band is hot in the summer time and there is no better way to exploit it than with a directional antenna like the 6 meter Moxon. The Moxon is a 2 element Yagi that is inexpensive and easy to build, but also offers great results with 5.5dbi of gain and a...
The Antenna with a Secret: Rez Antenna Systems Recon 40 Coil
You may think the Rez Antenna Systems Recon 40 is like any other base loaded coil, but what makes this one different is that you can change bands with a flick of a switch https://youtu.be/7ayLPDxUyVI Rez Antenna Systems Recon 40 coil:...
The Fastest Antenna Analyzer: Chameleon SA-1 SWR Meter
The Chameleon SA-1 is a compact easy to use antenna analyzer that will help you measure SWR and tune your multi band antenna, like the Chameleon PRV System or Wolf River Coil Silver Bullet 1000. The meter measures SWR from 1:1 - 19.9 in a frequency range of 1.6 MHz to...
Exploring the Wolf River: A Parks on the Air adventure along a scenic waterway
We take a road trip to northern Wisconsin to discover the origins of the Wolf River and then follow the scenic waterway downwards in this entertaining Parks on the Air activation. https://youtu.be/b913wcueqL0 Build a Wolf River Sporty Forty bypass wire:...
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