DIY 6 Meter Moxon Antenna: Boost Your Summer VHF Fun!

DIY 6 Meter Moxon Antenna: Boost Your Summer VHF Fun!

The 6 meter band is hot in the summer time and there is no better way to exploit it than with a directional antenna like the 6 meter Moxon. The Moxon is a 2 element Yagi that is inexpensive and easy to build, but also offers great results with 5.5dbi of gain and a...
Moxon Antenna Update: Now 70% lighter

Moxon Antenna Update: Now 70% lighter

Thanks for all the comments on my recent Moxon Antenna project video. In this update I answer some questions and put some excellent advice to use. The Black Widow, a 15 meter Moxon Antenna: Like what you see? You can leave me a...

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