by kb9vbr | Sep 2, 2020 | weather
There are several tools that I rely on as we’re enjoying the great outdoors to stay safe during changing weather conditions. Links/Products Mentioned: National Weather Service Mobile Site: Radarscope: Repeater...
by Michael Martens | Oct 12, 2017 | weather
The National Weather Service maintains over a 1000 transmitters that broadcast important weather information and alerts 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These broadcasts can be picked up with a NOAA weather radio like this one. But while there is coverage for almost...
by Michael Martens | Apr 26, 2013 | weather
Here’s a picture of the vehicle our local television station is now using for storm chasing. I haven’t seen it out in the field yet, but I do certainly love the satellite dish. No pictures of the inside, but I peered into the deeply tinted windows and...
by Michael Martens | Mar 29, 2013 | Amateur Radio, Antennas, Marine, weather
I originally wrote this article on March of 2012, but over the past year this topic has been one of the most searched blog posts on my site. Lightning safety is an important topic, so I revisited the information, updated it and present it again at the top of my blog....
by Michael Martens | Feb 24, 2013 | Antennas, Scanner, weather
Severe weather can strike at any time, day or night. You may not be listening to broadcast radio or watching television when a weather alert is issued. But you can keep informed of changing weather conditions by keeping a NOAA all hazards weather radio in your house....
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