The best of Ham Radio Camping, 2023

The best of Ham Radio Camping, 2023

2023 was a phenomenal year for us. So many new sites to see and people to meet. This is a short compilation of our adventures this last year. Like what you see? You can leave me a tip: Become a patron! Unlock exclusive content at:...
Camping at the Hamfest! Fall camping is the best

Camping at the Hamfest! Fall camping is the best

This was a busy weekend. Two hamfests and two POTA parks in two days. First hitting Ham Radio Outlet’s Superfest on Saturday and then beeline to Belvidere Illinois, near Rockford, for the Chicago FM Club’s Radio Expo. To make driving easy, we took off Friday afternoon...
A massive POTA pile-up at the Hillbilly Hilton

A massive POTA pile-up at the Hillbilly Hilton

I meet up with Dan, KD9MSP, and Don, KD9SZN, for a three-way activation of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail (POTA K-4238) at the Langlade County, Wisconsin Lumbercamp Segment. We also check into the Hillbilly Hilton at the abandoned Norem Lumber Camp. Dan and Bob...