Minnesota QSO Party

Minnesota QSO Party

The Minnesota QSO Party was this last weekend, and Dave KZ9V and I participated in the event from a park (POTA US-4236) located on the banks of the Mississippi River. This was our 4th foray into the contest and this year’s operation was markedly different than...
CQ Winter Field Day

CQ Winter Field Day

Winter Field Day, the bookend to the ARRL’s long time summer event takes place during the last weekend of January. For some parts of the country, that may be ok, but here in Wisconsin, that time of year often means cold and snow. In past Winter Field Day events,...
Late Shift on Rib Mountain

Late Shift on Rib Mountain

(February 14, 2024) In the social forums, I often see the question posed by a newer POTA enthusiast asking if anyone does any Parks on the Air activations on the 80 meter band. This is a great question, as 80 meters is excellent for getting those local and regional...
Activation Log: Sometimes you just have to Improvise

Activation Log: Sometimes you just have to Improvise

January 13, 2024: To most people, Hatley Wisconsin is blip on Highway 29 in eastern Marathon County. Driving past at 65 mph, you probably notice the gas station, the Dollar General, and maybe the large Catholic church. This little village of about 500 people is more...