We take a weekend trip to Rocky Arbor State Park (POTA K-1476) in the Wisconsin Dells.

Rocky Arbor State park is located a little over a mile away from the Wisconsin Dells a, popular tourist destination known for its natural beauty and waterparks. This park, created in 1932 preserves the sandstone formations carved by the Wisconsin River. The river has since changed course and what remains is absolutely spectacular and unique to this region.

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— Links and Things Mentioned —
Rocky Arbor State Park (POTA K-1476): https://pota.app/#/park/K-1476
Coffee and Ham Radio (CaHR) Apollo End Fed Halfwave Antenna: https://coffee-and-ham-radios.square.site/product/cahrtenna-apollo-end-fed-half-wave-/8
Chicago FM Club Radio Expo: http://www.chicagofmclub.org/
Circus World Historic Site: https://circusworld.wisconsinhistory.org/
International Crane Foundation: https://savingcranes.org/

Dutch Oven Spinach Lasagna
1 package (12 oz) oven ready lasagna noodles
1 jar (28 ounce) pasta sauce
16 ounces mozzarella cheese
1 – 2 packages fresh spinach
Parmasean cheese

Preheat enough coals for 400 degree dutch oven (17 bottom, 11 top).

Spray dutch oven with cooking spray. Sprinkle a bit of pasta sauce on the bottom and layer with lasagna noodles. Sprinkle a bit more sauce on top, and proceed to layer spinach, mozzarella cheese, noodles, and repeat until you make 3 or four layers. Finish the top with mozerella and parmesan cheese. Pour about 3/4 cup water down into the oven to cook and soften the noodles. Cook for 25-30 minutes until bubbling and cheese is golden.

00:00 Introduction
00:19 Rocky Arbor State Park and Wisconsin Dells
00:58 CaHR Apollo EFHW deployment and 40 meter activation
04:45 Circus World Museum
06:00 20 Meter Activation Amazing DX
10:54 International Crane Foundation
11:37 Dinner and FT8
12:24 Morning and Recap

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