by Michael Martens | Jul 4, 2015 | Operating Events
Field Day. Is it a contest? An emergency preparedness exercise? Or a ham radio reunion? I like to believe it’s a bit of all three. My Field Day participation has definitely spanned all three descriptions, and I tend to feel most comfortable with the third. After last...
by Michael Martens | Mar 11, 2014 | Operating Events
There are two operating events that I seldom miss. One is Field Day, and the other the Wisconsin QSO Party. Always the second Sunday in March, the airwaves above the State of Wisconsin become alive with activity. I love the Wisconsin QSO Party because it’s like...
by Michael Martens | Jun 26, 2013 | Amateur Radio
How’d your Field Day operation go? I’m glad to say that for the local club I’m involved with, the Wisconsin Valley Radio Association in Wausau, WI, we have another successful Field Day in the books. While we may not have had the most contacts, or hit...
by Michael Martens | Aug 19, 2012 | 2 meter, Amateur Radio, Antennas, emcomm, GMRS, Land-Mobile, Scanner, UHF
How do you provide communications support for an event that involves over 1,600 motorcycles and thousands of spectators? With a dedicated ARES/RACES team and a slew of KB9VBR J-Pole antennas. On August 16-18, 2012, Marathon County ARES in conjunction with ARES/RACES...
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