The ITU Phonetic Alphabet

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Today we’re talking about the phonetic alphabet If you ever spent time on the HF bands, you’ve surely heard stations using words to spell out their callsigns or other pieces of information. This phonetic alphabet is one way amateur radio...

Visiting the oldest radio station

It was a rainy Saturday morning. I knew a whole lot wouldn’t get accomplished today, so when I was the posting from Wisconsin Public Radio reminding me about their open house that afternoon, it became the perfect opportunity to jump into the car and take a road trip....

2016 Wisconsin QSO Party Recap

Living in the upper Midwest, it is very seldom that I get to be the DX station or have the ability to run a pile-up. But one such event give me that opportunity, the annual Wisconsin QSO Party. For the 2nd Sunday in March the airwaves come alive with ham looking to...

Ham Radio’s Peculiar Language

If you’ve been exposed to amateur radio for any length of time, you’ll notice that the hobby has a language all of its own. Special words and phrases, Q codes and numbers- what do all these mean? The richness and diversity of the language of amateur radio has grown...

Amateur Radio Holiday Gift Guide

Are hams notoriously picky people to shop for? What is the average amateur radio operator interested in? Today on Ham Radio Q & A, I go through a list of gift ideas that just about any ham would love to see under the tree. This list has items at a wide range of...