We have a couple of new products available, just in time for the Christmas Holidays. As our Slim Jim Antennas become more and more popular, I’ve expanded the product line with models that cover more frequency ranges. [pq]My fall 2013 new product launch includes two new Slim Jim antennas.[/pq] Slim Jim antennas are similar, and a little different than J-Pole antennas. They are alike in that they are end-fed, utilize half wave elements, and a quarter wave matching section. But that’s where the similarity ends. While the J-Pole has a single half-wave element, the Slim Jim used two half wave elements with one folded back down next to the other. This end-fed folded dipole design gives you a lower RF take-off angle which means you will get more gain out of the Slim Jim as compared to the J-Pole. A standard J-Pole has about 3db of gain while a Slim Jim antenna will have almost double that, or 5.5db of gain.
Slim Jim VHF 150-162 MHz Land Mobile Antenna
The VHF Slim Jim Land Mobile antenna covers the popular 150 – 162 Mhz VHF public safety, business, MURS, marine, and railroad bands. If you are looking for a higher gain antenna for transmitting on these bands or just general purpose scanning; the VHF Land Mobile Slim Jim would be a great choice. The antenna can be custom tuned to 155 Mhz for great covereage on the entire band, or custom tuned to the low or high edges of the band for specific frequency response. This antenna has more than 7 MHz of bandwidth and a low noise floor, so it will cover the entire VHF high with ease.
Slim Jim UHF 440-470 MHz Amateur Radio & GMRS Antenna
Not to be left out, the UHF Amateur Radio and GMRS Slim Jim antenna brings the higher gain and increased bandwidth to the 440 – 470 Mhz UHF bands. A higher gain UHF antenna is a great choice as the increased gain will compensate for the extra feedline loss you experience with the higher frequency ranges. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only UHF specific Slim Jim antenna available from anyone. This antenna can be custom tuned for the 440-450 MHz amateur radio band or the 462-467 GMRS and UHF public safety bands. Along with my other J-Pole and Slim Jim antennas, these two new Slim Jims expand my product line to offer a antenna solution for most every VHF and UHF frequency need. Is there a particular antenna or product you’d like to see me offer? Leave a comment below and I’dd see what I can do.
most of my transmissions are from 151.700 thru 157.425 mghz on my mobile. I would like to install a base station with the same freq. range. what do you recommend for antennaes? a single or two separate antennaes properly tuned to cover this freq range