by Michael Martens | Nov 3, 2016 | Antennas
At the young age of 9, Bob W9BVX, visited an ARRL Field Day site with his dad and saw the most amazing thing; an HF antenna lifted into the air by a helium balloon. Ever since that day, his life’s dream was to do the same. Fast forward almost 70 years and that...
by Michael Martens | Sep 22, 2014 | Operating Events
Every year, around the third weekend in October, Scouting’s biggest on-air activities takes place. JOTA or the Jamboree on the air is an operating activity that gives Boy & Girls the opportunity to experience amateur radio and make connections world wide....
by Michael Martens | Oct 9, 2012 | 2 meter, Amateur Radio, Antennas
The amateur radio community lost a valuable member last week. Dennis, W9PBB, a good personal friend and mentor suddenly passed away at the age of 76. It’s a shock whenever anyone close to you dies, but when the person was taken suddenly and without warning, it...
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