This antenna cost me pennies

This antenna cost me pennies

That statement contains a bit of hyperbole, but honestly this is one of the cheapest antennas that I’ve built. All of the parts for my 10 meter J-Pole came out of the scrap bin of parts that I’ve collected over the years. If you are a newer ham, you may...
We’re Heading to Hamvention!

We’re Heading to Hamvention!

I’ll be road-tripping to the nation’s largest amateur radio event: Dayton Hamvetion, in Xenia, OH May 19-22. I hope to see you there. Orders received during this period will ship when I return. Dayton Hamvention: Like what you...
Shipping and Product Changes

Shipping and Product Changes

For the last 21 years, I have strived to produce a quality and affordable product. The biggest challenge I consistently have is to manage the ever increasing shipping costs. Up until this point the USPS has been the best and most cost effective effective method to...
COVID-19 Update (July 7‚ 2020)

COVID-19 Update (July 7‚ 2020)

— July 7‚ 2020 — I’ve pretty much ridden the wave of new amateur radio operators getting on the air and sales have tapered off to a more manageable level. Normal turnaround is 1-2 business days. The 6 meter antenna usually ships in 3-4 days. The...

New Product: WVRA 2016 Amateur Radio Calendar

Hams like their wallpaper. Be it exotic QSO cards, certificates, or a big fancy map. Now here’s another item you can add to the wall: the Wisconsin Valley Radio Association calendar. This twelve month calendar is jam packed with color photos of amateur radio...