These blog posts are usually the result of questions I frequently get asked via email. Of course I love answering questions, but when I repeatedly get similar questions, I find it easier to make a blog post so I can explore the answers in more detail. A popular question I’ve received is ‘what makes these antennas different than other J-Poles on the market.’ That’s a great question, and let me break it down into three points.
All antennas are made with 1/2 inch copper tubing
I use 1/2 inch Type M copper tubing for all of my antennas. (The 6 meter antenna has 3/4 inch tubing for extra rigidity). Copper tubing is rugged and an extremely efficient radiator. Also using copper tubing instead of wire, ladder line, or TV twin lead gives the antenna some distinct advantages. Copper tube is more durable than wire and impervious to sun and the weather. There is practically nothing to break on the antenna. The connector is soldered directly to the tubing, so as long as you install the antenna with proper strain relief on the connector, the antenna will last practically forever. Also you receive more bandwidth and a lower noise floor with the copper tubing antenna. Antennas encased in PVC tend to be noisier due to the static discharge from the plastic.
More surface area from an all-copper antenna means better radiation and more bandwidth. So while you may not be able to roll up my antennas and put them in your pocket, that’s ok. [pq] KB9VBR J-Pole and Slim Jim antennas are designed to provide a long life for your base station radio. [/pq]
Only top quality Amphenol brand connectors are used
On any other antenna, look at the connector. Is the center insulator white, or is it pale yellow? I only use Amphenol brand connectors on my antennas. Amphenol is an American company (The SO-239 connectors come from their manufacturing plant in Mexico). They are a bit more expensive, but the investment in quality is worth it. The reason is two-fold: With a higher quality connector, I know that they will withstand the heat from soldering them directly to the antenna material. With top quality connectors, you’ll also get a better connection from the SO-239 when you attach your feedline. Look for the Amphenol brand on your antenna, and you’ll know you are receiving a quality product.
Customer service is my priority
I’m always available to answer your questions, either by email, through my blog, and even by telephone. Look at the top of my website and the first thing you’ll see is a customer service phone number. How many eCommerce sites are willing to put their telephone number front and center? Customer service is my top priority and I’m ready to answer email questions and telephone calls. If you do want to give me a call at (715)845-4218, the best time to reach me is morning around 9-11am and afternoons between 3-5pm central time. Just be advised that this is a one-man operation, so if I’m not in, please leave a message and I’ll be glad to return your call.
Rugged materials, top quality components, and exceptional customer service. Those are the three things that make a KB9VBR Antenna shine in the marketplace. If you’ve bought an antenna from me in the past, thank you for your patronage. Otherwise I hope to serve you soon.
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