Activation Log: Afternoon Interrupted

Activation Log: Afternoon Interrupted

The Activation Log is a new series that reports on my Parks on the Air (POTA) activations. These are write-ups that share additional content, thoughts, and images of portable operations that may or may not make it into a video. July, 4th, Independence Day. The day we,...
One of the most important station accessories: band pass filters

One of the most important station accessories: band pass filters

Do you want to do a group activation or field day operation without stepping on or covering each other up? Band Pass Filters to the rescue! Filtering is an important component of an amateur radio transceiver. We often talk about ‘weak filters’ or front end overload...
Five Insanely Great Ham Radio Portable Operation Accessories

Five Insanely Great Ham Radio Portable Operation Accessories

Here are five little pieces of gear that I find insanely helpful in my portable and Parks on the Air operations. Most of these items are quite affordable so you can easily add them to your kit. RJ-45 Network Extension Cable: Power Meter and...