Why severe weather storm spotters are important

Besides everything else that I’m active in, I’m also a National Weather Service certified storm spotter. As EC of our local ARES group, my job is to keep our group properly trained and ready for when severe weather strikes. I had the opportunity last week...

2011 ARRL Field Day Wrap up

For all intents, this year’s Field Day was a success. Wanting to do something different this year, a group of four of us put together a mini Field Day expedition to lake in Northern Wisconsin. On June 25-26, 2011 we put Lake Allequash near Boulder Junction...

Field Day Antennas

The ARRL Field Day is fast approaching. This year’s event (always the 4th weekend in June) is scheduled for June 25-26, 2011 and is expected to be bigger than ever. I’ve been an active participant of Field day just about every year since I got my license...

NOAA Weather Radio Antennas

While my J-pole antennas where primarily designed for transmitting on the amateur radio bands, over the years I’ve increased the models available to cover other VHF and UHF radio bands. One underlooked band that is very important to public safety is the NOAA...

Help share the J-Pole antenna love!

If you are a user or a prospective customer of the KB9VBR J-Pole antennas, you can help share the love by clicking on the little +1 button on the upper right of each post and page. The Google +1 button is a great way to share this site and it also helps other amateur...