A new year is right around the corner. So its a great time to look back at all the videos of I produced in the past year and choose the best ones of the 2018. This year it was a bit of a challenge, as I stepped up my production game in 2018, so there was a lot more to choose from. And that hard work paid off. In 2018 I received over 8500 new subscribers and my videos had over 500,000 views and 2.2 million minutes watched. I find that amazing and I really appreciate the support in helping this channel grow. But enough about that, here’s the top ten amateur radio videos from 2018.

10. 2014 Subaru Outback Radio Install

This fall I got a new car and wanted to put a mobile amateur radio radio transceiver in it. This video goes through the process of how I ran cable through the firewall, mounted the antenna, and secured the control head of a Yaesu FTM-400XDR in my 2014 Subaru Outback.

9. NVIS or Near Vertical Incidence Skywave Propagation

Last fall I did a presentation on NVIS or Near Vertical Incidence Skywave Propagation at our annual state ARES/RACES conference. This video was part of my research for that presentation and also demonstrates the NVIS effect.

8. 2 Meter VHF Quarter Wave Antenna

Construction videos tend to be quite popular and I’m planning some more for the coming year. This video of the 2 meter VHF Quarter Wave Antenna was selected as a viewer favorite by a wide margin. So thank you everyone that voted in the recent poll.

7. Introduction to APRS

I did a series of videos last fall on APRS or the Automated Packet Reporting System. This video, which is an introduction to the APRS protocol was the most popular of the series and came in 7 on the annual list.

6. How to Build a DMR Codeplug

DMR or Digital Mobile Radio has really gained popularity in the last year, so How to Build a DMR Codeplug continues to garner views and comments as new users take up DMR.

5. Building a DVmega and Pi-Star DMR Hotspot

Speaking of DMR, since the digital repeaters aren’t as prolific as analog ones, using a hotspot like I illustrate in my Building a Pi-Star and DVMega video is a great way to get active in the many talk groups on the DMR networks.

4. Icom IC-718 transceiver controls and function

The Icom IC-718 is an excellent entry level HF transceiver that continues to be popular today. I put this video together on its controls and functions to teach the basic operation of HF transceivers as part of a technician license class. If you are teaching a tech class, please feel free to use it as part of your curriculum.

3. October 2018 Channel Update

I do a channel update every month were I answer questions that came from previous videos. These Q&A videos may not be the most popular in the series, but my October 2018 channel update, where I continue to talk about the legal status of Baofeng handheld radios, garnered quite a bit of attention.

2. MURS or the Multi Use Radio Service

The Multi-Use Radio Service is a license free radio service that provides for 5 channels in the VHF spectrum. I like MURS as it’s not quite as busy as GMRS and also doesn’t require a license. If you are part of an emergency communications group, you may want to add some MURS radios to your arsenal to bring unlicensed operators on board.

1. Are Baofeng handheld radios Illegal

Then there is this video. Number one on the list is Are Baofeng Radios Illegal? I made this video to analyze the recent enforcement action against Amcrest Industries, a Baofeng Importer. The video soon went viral and set off a firestorm of controversy. With almost 175,000 views, it certainly attracted quite a bit of attention.

Was there a video that caught your attention but didn’t make the list?  Please leave it in the comments below. And let me know what you’d like to see in 2019. I’m planning a pretty aggressive production schedule, so I’ll need your ideas.


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