shopping cartAt KB9VBR J-Pole Antennas we’ve overhauled our website and added a new shopping cart and merchant system. A new merchant system doesn’t sound like a big deal, but for our customers it means faster, easier checkout and increased security and reliability.

The shopping cart and merchant system running under the PayJunction Trinity System platform promises to deliver a better customer experience by provider a true shopping cart, faster speeds, and increased transaction security. PayJunction is a Level 1 PCI Compliant Service Provider that services thousands of businesses in every state in the United States.

Previously we had Paypal ‘Buy Now’ buttons on the site. They worked but were klutzy, and gave the website an amateurish feel. With the professional PayJunction shopping cart, customers can order multiple items, or save their cart and come back later to finish the transaction. I’m also really impressed by the speed of the new system. The old system of buttons was slow, on both the front and back end.

Changing to a true merchant system is a big step in the credibility and legitimacy of our online storefront. It can be difficult for online vendor to get a merchant system because you need to provide financial reports, business licenses, and tax IDs to the merchant company. They then audit and approve you. That’s why other online stores rely on service providers like Paypal and Google. I’m proud to say that I’ve passed their approval process and can now provide added convenience and reliability to my customers.

KB9VBR J-Pole Antennas sells amateur radio antennas online at their website They specialize in antennas for VHF and UHF communications equipment from 50 MHz to 470 MHz. In addition to amateur radio products, KB9VBR J-Pole antennas sells antennas used for Low Power FM Broadcast, Aviation, Marine, Land-Mobile, Public Safety, Railroad, NOAA Weather, and GMRS radios.

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