When I’m not busy building J-Pole antennas I’m usually wearing my other amateur radio hat as Emergency Coordinator for Marathon County, WI ARES/RACES. This Saturday, October 2nd is the annual ARRL Simulated Emergency test, so our group decided to do something a little bit different.
This year we are setting up a fully operation Incident Command Post and will operate up to six ARES nets during the three hour drill. To top it off, we will do this in the parking lot of one of our served agencies during the community’s annual fall festival. This is a great opportunity for our group; we will be able to drill and stretch our emcomm muscles while at the same time be visible in the community.
After the SET the ICP will turn into special event station W9K, celebrating the Village of Kronenwetter’s annual fall festival and antique tractor show. W9K will be on the air from 12:00noon to 5:00pm central time on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010. The special event will run on 20, 40, and 75 meters in the voice and digital portions of the band. Listen for w9K and make a contact, it should be a great day and we’d love to have lots of activity on the air to show of amateur radio.
QSL via KB9VBR. Send a SASE to: Michael Martens, 1228 Arthur St, Wausau, WI 54403 for a full color commemorative QSL card from the event.
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