Portable Ham Radio: Chameleon CHA Stinger Kit Review

Portable Ham Radio: Chameleon CHA Stinger Kit Review

The Chameleon CHA Stinger Kit is a versatile solution for a vertical antenna counterpoise or ground plane. The Stinger kit consists of six 48 inch stainless steel elements with all weather banana plugs on one end and a teardrop on the other. The Stingers are a quick...
New and Improved! Chameleon LEFS 4010 EFHW Antenna

New and Improved! Chameleon LEFS 4010 EFHW Antenna

I head to Council Grounds State Park (POTA K-1447) to test the new Chameleon LEFS 4010 end fed half wave antenna system. The LEFS or Light Weight Antenna System is a versatile EFHW HF antenna with tuner-free operation on 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters and can be used with...