Five Insanely Great Ham Radio Portable Operation Accessories

Five Insanely Great Ham Radio Portable Operation Accessories

Here are five little pieces of gear that I find insanely helpful in my portable and Parks on the Air operations. Most of these items are quite affordable so you can easily add them to your kit. RJ-45 Network Extension Cable: Power Meter and...
Five CLEVER things you didn’t know the FT-891 did

Five CLEVER things you didn’t know the FT-891 did

There is a lot that the Yaesu FT-891 can do and the true power and capability of the FT-891 often goes overlooked. So I went through the manual and the menu system and found five clever things that you probably didn’t know you could do with the Yaesu FT-891. The Yaesu...
Building a Yaesu FT-891 remote control box

Building a Yaesu FT-891 remote control box

Dave, KZ9V stops by the shack, and share with us his memory keyer remote control box he built for the Yaesu FT-891 Schematic for FT-891 remote control box: Yaesu FT-891 Voice Memory Keyer:
My 2020 HF Radio Portable Field Kit

My 2020 HF Radio Portable Field Kit

What do I carry with me when I hit the road for a Parks on the Air of some other kind of portable radio activity. In this video I break down the contents of my portable HF radio kit: Products/Items mentioned:Tactical Sling Bag: FT-891...

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