by Michael Martens | May 20, 2014 | ARES/RACES
Recently our ARES/RACES group provided communications for two day motorcycle rally. Titled the MDA ride, it is a fundraiser for muscular dystrophy. The communications needs for the ride may sound simple, but due to the scope of the event, it involved a comprehensive...
by Michael Martens | Mar 18, 2014 | ARES/RACES
What does it take to be a severe weather storm spotter? Other than a high tolerance for boredom peppered with intense bits of sheer excitement. Storm spotting is more a waiting game than anything else. I’ve been a severe weather storm spotter for almost 15 years...
by Michael Martens | Oct 20, 2013 | ARES/RACES
Anyone that has read my blog for any length of time will know that i’m pretty involved with ARES/RACES, emergency communications, and public service communications. Everyone tends to pick a niche within the wide scope that the Amateur Radio Service covers, and...
by Michael Martens | Sep 4, 2013 | ARES/RACES, emcomm
Are you ready for the SET? Is your ARES/RACES team prepared for this annual event? Coming up the first weekend in October, the Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is a drill for ARES/RACES teams to practice deployment and communications effectiveness. Most SET drills can...
by Michael Martens | Jun 1, 2013 | ARES/RACES
I’m frequently the person behind the microphone when the skies turn dark and a severe weather net is in order. While I enjoy being out in the field spotting, sometimes running the show and keeping everything in order can be even more challenging and exciting. I...
by Michael Martens | May 5, 2013 | ARES/RACES, emcomm
What a great day to get lost. It was warm and sunny spring day during a Boy Scout Camporee when 4 Scouts got lost. Of course the boys were lost on purpose as part of one of the largest Search and Rescue Merit Badge clinics in the history of the Scouting program. The...
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