There’s hidden gold on Wildcat Mountain, and a ghost there to protect it. Will I find the treasure or be lured away by the spirits. Watch now in this very unique Parks on the Air Activation of Wildcat Mountain State Park, Wisconsin. POTA K-1480. Honestly the only treasure I found was the Wolf River Coil’s Sporty Forty coil pretuned for the 40 meter band.

I do return QSL, if you made a contact with me and would like a QSL, please send me one. Return postage not necessary, but always appreciated. As they say, KB9VBR is ‘good in the book.’

See all the contacts from the Wildcat Mountain State Park, WI POTA K-1480. Patrons have access to the full, unedited video of the activation:

Wolf River Sporty Forty Coil:

Secrets of Wildcat Mountain:

Dutch Oven Scones
(Cut the recipe in half for a dutch oven)

Dutch Oven Chicken Pot Pie

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00:00 Wildcat Mountain State Park
01:47 Dutch Oven Scones
02:12 Wolf River Sporty Forty Coil
04:19 40 meter POTA activation Wildcat Mountain State Park
09:10 Hiking on Wildcat Mountain
09:56 17 Meter K-1480 haunted activation
13:44 Dutch Oven Chicken Pot Pie
14:35 40 Meter Late Shift
17:25 Sporty Forty Tips
22:05 Conclusion

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