Ham Adventure 2021 season starts with a Parks on the Air activation of Baraga State Park (POTA K-1486) in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on the shores of Lake Superior. This activation was a memorial event of a dear to us long time amateur radio operator, Brent Schaefer K9MIX. Brent was an avid county hunter and Baraga was one of the few counties he was never able to confirm. Our crew went up to Baraga on the weekend of April 30-May 2, 2021 and used the Wisconsin Valley Radio Association’s club call W9NA to activate the park in his memory.
If you made contact with us, you are eligible for a limited edition QSO card. To get yours, please QSL to the Wisconsin Valley Radio Association, PO Box 363, Wausau Wisconsin 54402. The callsign W9NA is also good on QRZ if you need to look up the address there.
Wisconsin Valley Radio Association: http://www.wvraclub.org
Booyah, a traditional Northwoods stew. Recipe is here:
Blow me Away, White Noise Maker
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