Every year for ARRL Field Day, we try to mix things up- find a gimmick so to say. This year was no different when my local club, the Wisconsin Valley Radio Association, participated in a joint ARRL Field Day event with the Merrill Amateur Radio Group (MARG) of Merrill, WI. This year we did a 4A station (callsign W9NA). Two clubs working together can be a challenge, but it’s also a very rewarding experience and will give you an idea of how you will be able to combine resources in  the event you are part of a wide-scale communications event or emergency.


Watch the video to see highlights of the event. In addition to the two clubs working together, we had some youth radio operation and a Korean era military communication unit on a 1985 Chevy 1 1/4 ton truck. Thank you to everyone that participated in this year’s event.

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