Get Ready for the Simulated Emergency Test

Are you ready for the SET? Is your ARES/RACES team prepared for this annual event? Coming up the first weekend in October, the Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is a drill for ARES/RACES teams to practice deployment and communications effectiveness. Most SET drills can...

ARRL Field Day 2013 Wrap-Up

How’d your Field Day operation go? I’m glad to say that for the local club I’m involved with, the Wisconsin Valley Radio Association in Wausau, WI, we have another successful Field Day in the books. While we may not have had the most contacts, or hit...

Marathon County Civil Defense Helmet

I spotted this helmet at a flea market last week. It appears to be a standard issue white fiberglass Civil Defense helmet from the late 1950’s or early 1960’s. I’m not sure it’s worth the $75 asking price, but a fine specimen none the...