While Christine attends the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival in Jefferson, I hit the road and activate 5 new to me Parks on the Air entities in southern Wisconsin. This is a POTA rove like none other.

Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival: https://wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com/
Lake Mills Legion Post 67 Slider Stand: http://lakemillslegion.com/legion-hamburger-stand-sliders/

Hear the complete Parks on the Air activation! Patrons can view the unedited phone contacts for this POTA activation. Visit my page on Patreon for details: https://www.patreon.com/kb9vbrantennas

Feather Flag Base: https://amzn.to/3MdepHE
Wolf River Sporty Forty Coil: https://www.wolfrivercoils.com/
Wolf River 213 inch whip: https://www.wolfrivercoils.com/
42×108 inch Faraday Fabric: https://amzn.to/3Vt1m9R
Jaw Mount Antenna Clamp: https://amzn.to/3VL5Ir6
SO-239 stud mount for jaw clamp: https://amzn.to/3VT1KwG
Spiderbeam 7m (23ft) Mini fiberglass pole: https://vibroplex.com/contents/en-us/p3529.html
Chameleon LEFS4010 EFHW antenna: https://chameleonantenna.com/shop-here/ols/products/cha-lefs-4010
ECO-WORTHY 12V 20Ah Lithium Battery: https://amzn.to/3WuU6dA
Contact logging: https://www.smartlogger.app

How I record my contact audio: https://youtu.be/tOqzZPphE7k
My headset trigger switch: https://youtu.be/b5Wu8BlrSF0
Heil Ham Radio BM-17 Dual headset: https://heilhamradio.com/product/bm-17-2/

I do return QSL, if you made a contact with me and would like a QSL, please send me one. Return postage not necessary, but always appreciated. As they say, KB9VBR is ‘good in the book.

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