Get a Parks on the Air master class. I join Steve as he does his first POTA: from setting up the pain in the a## antenna, finding a clear frequency, and getting on the air. Be sure to stick to the end for the valuable master class of information as we debrief the activation.

Steve, a fan of the channel, came up to visit. He had never done a Parks on the air Activation and was looking for some tips and guidance. He also had a portable, and I say portable loosely, antenna he wanted to set up. It was a 20 meter rigid dipole using 4 foot fiberglass sections as a support mast. I had experience working with these, so I was game. I guess everything is a learning experience, as you will see.

As a bonus, patrons can view the unedited phone contacts for this POTA activation. Visit my page on Patreon for details:

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00:00:00 Steves First POTA
00:00:38 The PITA POTA Antenna
00:01:50 Parks on the Air activation of US-10054
00:11:02 Debrief and POTA Master Class

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