VHF/UHF Antennas for Amateur Radio‚ Public Safety‚ Business‚ Scanning‚ and Broadcast

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Ham Radio Outdoors

Parks on the Air (POTA) is one of the fastest growing amateur radio activities. My videos will show you how to get on the air and have a great time doing it. 

Ham Radio How to:

Informative and easy to follow ham radio how to videos can be found here. From building your first antenna to how to handle the pile-ups; you’ll gain skill and confidence in all types of amateur radio activities. 

Latest Posts

Visiting the Mosinee Hill Repeater Site

When we use our handheld radios or the mobile in the car, we really don’t think about or rarely appreciate the hard work and effort is takes to keep a repeater system on the air. Many amateur radio repeater systems are highly engineered but also run on a shoestring....