My Field Day 2014 Adventure

In the 15 year’s I’ve held my amateur radio license, I’ve hardly ever missed a Field Day. I also thought I had seen just about everything that could happen or go wrong at a field day site. I’ve experienced brutal hot weather, endless bugs, rain...

Ham Radio License Test Prep Study Resources

How did you feel when you stepped into the room to take your ham radio license exam? Were you calm, confident, and ready for the test? Or were you a bundle of nerves waiting to explode when the exam is presented to you? Proper study and preparation is the key to doing...

Get Ready for the Simulated Emergency Test

Are you ready for the SET? Is your ARES/RACES team prepared for this annual event? Coming up the first weekend in October, the Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is a drill for ARES/RACES teams to practice deployment and communications effectiveness. Most SET drills can...

ARRL Field Day 2013 Wrap-Up

How’d your Field Day operation go? I’m glad to say that for the local club I’m involved with, the Wisconsin Valley Radio Association in Wausau, WI, we have another successful Field Day in the books. While we may not have had the most contacts, or hit...